ChillBox AC you can even save favorite items or share lists with other people In short Keep your list when you shop Go first along the paths on the outskirts of the supermarket because there you usually find the unprocessed full-fledged food Cooking yourself Cooking at home is much cheaper than eating out Make sure it bees a habit to cook for yourself instead of eating out at the last minute Usually you can feed a whole family of four people for the same money that you spend for or ChillBox AC in a restaurant Some people prefer to cook for the whole week at weekends while others prefer to prepare one meal at a time By cooking yourself you also know exactly what is actually in your food In short Self-cooking is much cheaper than eating out Some prefer to cook for the whole week at weekends others prefer to go once a day Prepare large portions and use your leftovers Preparing large meals can save you a lot of time and money Leftovers can be used for lunch or in ...